Lithostoto Artworks | Mosaic Art | Creative Cultural Hub

Lithostoto Artworks | Mosaic Art | Creative Cultural Hub
Lithostoto Artworks | Mosaic Art | Creative Cultural Hub

Lithostroto Creative Cultural Hub

Lithostroto Social Cooperative Enterprise is a new creative hub, based in Argostoli, Kefalonia island. It was the outcome of the European programme Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020/ Craft Lab, which was carried out by the Region of the Ionian Islands. Our main goal is to encourage artistic expression in any form and in any way possible! We engage ourselves mostly with the art of mosaic, but we are more than eager to support all kinds of cultural events, exhibitions, or educational projects that can be planned and carried out by our team. Lithostroto aims at introducing the concepts of sustainable economy and alternative tourism development to the local community by supporting local creative workers.

Lithostoto Artworks | Mosaic Art | Creative Cultural Hub

About us

Lithostroto Social Cooperative Enterprise runs a contemporary mosaic studio. Mosaics have a long tradition on the island of Kefalonia, since Roman times, therefore the engagement with this art form can not only influence local artistic production, but it can also become a cohesive factor for the local community, because of its aesthetic, social and historical value.

Lithostoto Artworks | Mosaic Art | Creative Cultural Hub

Mosaic Studio

Lithostroto creates works of art, which decorate commercial or residential private spaces. Additionally, our intention is to incorporate mosaic art in public spaces, thus creating interactive platforms.


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    Do you want to find out more?

    Lithostroto aims at introducing the concepts of sustainable economy and alternative tourism development to the local community.